Friday, July 6, 2012

Amazing Waterfalls on US HWY 138

People are drawn to waterfalls as places of wonder, relaxation and inspiration. Thundering waters, in their many forms, provide some of the earth's most beautiful landscape features! 

We have made 2 trips and hiked to the 16 waterfalls in the scenic Umpqua National Forest and Roseburg District, Bureau of Land Management so far.  There are 8 more Waterfalls in the area that is going to be another summer hiking trip... 

The Hike to these Waterfalls is well worth the time spent amongst the lush green trails, rocks, steps, flora and fauna along with the music of  birds chirping in the woods. All  fatigue from hike is gone the moment you get that first glimpse of the Amazing Waterfall !!! They are all so different,  so unique and gorgeous in their own natural way!!! See for yourself...

1. Clearwater Falls is 30 feet that cascades over moss-covered rocks and logs and its a short walk up the Clearwater river. The falls are adjacent to Clearwater Falls Campground.

Clearwater Falls

2. Whitehorse Falls is 15-feet falls on Clearwater River.

Whitehorse Falls

3. Watson Falls is the highest in southwest Oregon, plunging 272 feet over the edge of a basalt lava flow. A wooden bridge crosses Watson Creek 0.3 mile from the trailhead and offers an excellent view of the falls.

Watson Falls
4. Toketee Falls is a tiered falls. The upper descent drops 40-feet and the lower falls plunge 80-feet over a sheer wall of volcanic basalt. In the Chinook language, the word "Toketee" means "pretty" or "graceful", an apt name for this inspiring waterfall. The trail ends above the falls. There is no access to the base of the falls due to the difficulty level. This waterfall can be enjoyed from a deck.

Toketee Falls

5. Lemolo Falls is 102 feet falls that plunges into a deep pool. The word "Lemolo" is a Chinook Indian term meaning "wild" or "untamed". The meaning comes to life as  the North Umpqua River plunges 102 feet into a deep pool. 

Lemolo Falls

6.Warm Springs Falls Columns of basalt are continuously pounded as this waterfall thunders over the 70-foot drop into the pool below. The trail ends above the falls. There is no access to the base of the falls. It can be viewed from the deck.

Warm Springs Falls

7. Susan Creek Falls This Spectacular Waterfall drops 50 feet over moss lined rock cliffs . After reaching the falls, hikers can continue on a difficult trail (not disabled accessible), 0.4 mile to Susan Creek Indian Mounds. Here, Indian boys approaching manhood built stone piles, then spent the night in search of a vision from a guardian spirit.

Susan Creek Falls
Trail Head
8. Fall Creek Falls A one mile trail passes through a narrow bedrock crevice and lush vegetation to a double falls with tiers of 35 and 50 feet. It is a good walk for families with a few moderately steep climbs. Job's Garden Trail takes off at 0.5 mile point, leading to the base of a basalt columnar rock outcropping.

Rock Crevice on the trail
Fall Creek Falls
9. Deadline Falls   Although the largest of the small cascades, its really doesn't compare in size to other falls in the area. It is where the North Umpqua River cascades over smaller outcrops of the basalt riverbed. Deadline falls is one of the best places in Oregon to photograph large Salmon leaping the falls as they migrate upstream from May to October. The falls face west and have broad exposure, so sunlight will light the scene fairly evenly, where the North Umpqua River cascades over smaller outcrops of the basalt riverbed.

Deadline Falls
10. Steamboat Falls  located at the Steamboat Campground (near campsite 5 and 6) from May to July you can see steel head attempting to jump the 25 feet falls adjacent to the fish ladder. The flow was not at its peak as we went there after July.

Steamboat Falls
11. Wolf Creek Falls  Secluded in a tranquil forest setting, a beautiful two-tiered waterfall tumbles over rock cliffs to a pool below. The upper falls drop 75 feet and the lower falls drop 50 feet. Water flows vary from full-fan in spring to a narrowed spout in late summer. We visited the Wolf Creek Falls in late summer when it was not a full-fan flow.

Wolf Creek Falls
Two-Tier View of Wolf Creek Falls

12. Grotto Falls The glistening waters of this attractive waterfall invite you to experience a closer view. Water plunges 100 feet over a cliff with a trail passing behind the falls into a natural cavern. This trail is developed for hiker use only. You can practically stand at the bottom of the falls and enjoy the cooling affect.

Grotto Falls

At the bottom of Grotto Falls
                                                   13. Yakso Falls Little River drops 60 feet, as protruding rocks spread the water flow to make the fan shape Yakso Falls a spectacular sight in the woods.

View of Yakso Falls

Yakso Falls

14. Hemlock Falls  is surrounded by various rock formations, verdant ferns and towering trees enhancing the natural character of this 80 feet rush of water through Hemlock Creek.

Hemlock Falls
View of Hemlock Falls in the Forest

.... more on Amazing Waterfalls coming soon. Please share your comments below!